Client Relationships

Build lasting relationships with client history, personalized notes, and strategic groupings. Keep them healthy by defining boundaries and sticking to it.

Tori Brown

+1 854 999 63 63

From 24.04.2021

Client Relationships

Build lasting relationships with client history, personalized notes, and strategic groupings. Keep them healthy by defining boundaries and sticking to it.

Tori Brown

+1 854 999 63 63

From 24.04.2021

Client Relationships

Build lasting relationships with client history, personalized notes, and strategic groupings. Keep them healthy by defining boundaries and sticking to it.

Tori Brown

+1 854 999 63 63

From 24.04.2021

Know your clients better

Know your clients better

Add Images to client notes and personalize details like birthdays and pronouns to ensure you know your clients better with every visit. Quickly review appointment history as well to ensure you're not just their favorite salon, but also a trusted friend.

Sort & Group Your client base

Sort & Group Your client base

Sort & Group Your client base

Manage client views in groups like Inactive Clients or Upcoming birthdays to better know the best time for SMS-marketing and other plannings.

Manage client views in groups like Inactive Clients or Upcoming birthdays to better know the best time for SMS-marketing and other plannings.

Manage client views in groups like Inactive Clients or Upcoming birthdays to better know the best time for SMS-marketing and other plannings.

Reminder & Alerts

Reminder & Alerts

Reminder & Alerts

Reduce No-shows by reminding your customer about the appointments. Also, receive alerts when customers haven’t confirmed appointments to follow up.

Reduce No-shows by reminding your customer about the appointments. Also, receive alerts when customers haven’t confirmed appointments to follow up.

Reduce No-shows by reminding your customer about the appointments. Also, receive alerts when customers haven’t confirmed appointments to follow up.

Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect

When you open your availability, we ensure your time is protected with deposits, cancelation & no-show policies. And if things happen – for your peace of mind you can always block your customer.

When you open your availability, we ensure your time is protected with deposits, cancelation & no-show policies. And if things happen – for your peace of mind you can always block your customer.

When you open your availability, we ensure your time is protected with deposits, cancelation & no-show policies. And if things happen – for your peace of mind you can always block your customer.